Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A-Periodics to A-Tile

Further development lead me to push a small[2] set of tiles to grow and form something new. As you can see the system creates spheres in space, but what i'm truly interested in was the connections created between the spheres. (The entire thing has a nice transformer aesthetic too!!.)


When I started this project I was interested in Aperiodic tiling, but trying to stay away from whats been done I started to push a different way to connect tiles (mock ups hopefully this break!) and a strategy to make this entire system structural. Understanding that load is obviously a factor, the entire system has been revamped to have clean/ clear connections, the system normally wants to connect at what seems like 90 to 45 degree angles which causes a lot of issues not only in connecting pieces to one another but from my miniature models structural problems with load. Of course this is all speculation, but after manipulating the model for weeks I refined it to a point where my components when joined [4] could hold up more than 20lbs. This is looking lets hope a 1 to 1 scale mock up is easy to bend....

Transition Moment:

Atmospheres: there are 3 types of interior spaces.

If your interested in more images of the overall/details of the project feel free to click on the images, they will take you to my Flickr account!

Friday, November 25, 2011

A-periodics v1.

Hey all, its been awhile since I last updated you on my thoughts...sorry life has been busy.

Anyway here is an example of A-periodic Tiling/Packing. I'll be honest, I was seduced/introduced to this type of tiling while working with Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY. Sadly for me I was never given the opportunity to work on any projects related to these tiles....well until now.

"Let me first say I do my best not to copy what he's done...but after testing this tiling out i've found it hard to define my own "unique" tile. he's done too many different types...SO I started testing different types of orientation/configuration of the tiles inside and what geometry one tile consist of. One difference is that I don't quite need all the left handled tiles....we'll talk about after I finish my new sets of prototypes!"

Project 3 at UCLA: Bending space.

Cluster *clean connections...but only for one set so far...


What does this mean? well...this is about research/development and not about experience....yet hinting about experience these pockets contain a good opportunity for people to start occupying different types of spaces.

[Next developments I still need to update you on are Voxels/Recursive logic and twisted grids.! oh my!]

Friday, July 15, 2011


...So finally a continuation of what I started months ago. I've been sidetracked with moving and so forth so work has been a bit slow. Earlier in the month Nicholas Reiter invited me to help him with a competition, after talking with the team I found a chance to further explore the logic in how to make uniform or at least controlled...tessellation on dynamic surfaces.. Over all..I failed...

Aqua:skin | Lines: Guidelines | White: Structure
"If you look closely you notice that the pattern is consistent overall. (not perfect.)"


The problem lies in when surfaces pinch or tighten, I have yet to spend the time needed to develop a way to reduce or add the amount of tessellation needed to populate the surface as it changes in width...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tiling Patterning.


heres a start to what may be something interesting, well I hope... I've taken a break from get some "real" work down. This is to start the conversation about what to do with the Subway stations in New York. A documentation of the logic behind the design and a way for me to compile the process of how it came to be.

This Tiling of course is one of many different renovation, preservation, and accentuations on the project.

John, Luca and I have been talking a lot about Preservation and Acknowledging the beauty of the subway stations, but how do we achieve not only spreading awareness on the materials and design of the subway station but further push the design for the future with out throwing away the roots that makes the station what it is.

As this starts to develop further i'll fill you in what the thoughts behind this are, until then!

PS: the color is just a way to start thinking about not only pattern but dept.

heres a link to the subseries

Saturday, May 14, 2011



So here we have it, Uniform divisions on a dynamic surface. With these wires I should no longer fear deformed/stretched components. Something I struggled with in my last surface tessellation scripts. Of course what you see here is...more or less wires with no components, this is how I personally subdivide surfaces.

[There are many ways to subdivide a surface. one way is to break it up with points evaluating the nurb* surface with a loop, another way is what i'm testing now breaking up a surface with wires, divide for points and then afterwards tessellating it. In my mind I feel this helps increase my chances of controlling the shape/size of my components.]

Next time I'll populate the surface for you, even though this is horribly over done I'm happy to have figured my own way of creating this. In the beginning, we all recreate the wheel at one point in our lives. Its what we do afterwards that sets us apart. Too next time!

Monday, May 9, 2011


1:a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable.
2:something that is impressive or extraordinary.
3:a remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy; wonder.

when speaking about :Phenomena: what is it? is it what we see and what we can experience? yes and no, but thats too simple...its to clean and meaning less to me.

I was asked this question awhile back from a professor in college, At the time I told her it was an special experience relative to a person, that something magical happened. She looked at me and told me bluntly "no, thats not it..." Maybe I was romanticizing about it too much and strayed off to something else.

Thinking about it now again while on a car ride to orleans, I realized I was dead on the mark. :Phenomena: was just that. An magical experience, An magical experience of complete awareness. Its the brief period of time you are completely aware of your surroundings, people, event and sometimes even your own body (some might understand this outer being feeling...) usually creating a memory forever ingrained into your head. Every moment you can remember is a phenomena that has struck you important or extraordinary.

So how do we achieve these moments or memories? How do we create a :phenomena:?
well we obviously have books on theory, design, patterns, architecture now [1:] but how we truly get into "people"s minds would be that "wow" factor which is usually gaged by what is trendy nowadays. The initial hit will make people remember it, but its the details in your design that will keep designers coming back. "the details" I will leave open to your interpretation...since I am not here to tell you how to design, its just not my job....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Here you are.
I'm sure most were starting to wonder...will Peter ever leave curves?
This exercise studies tessellation(obvious...). But not any regular old tessellation, something more interesting dealing with depth and hinting at structure.


Inspired by origami, I decided to script a common folding pattern to see the process on how to create the geometry digitally. Second step for me will be how to control my tessellation to keep it from distorting too much. Third one (which is most interesting) is if at the end I can flatten the geometry into one sheet for laser cutting and fold it into shape....only time will tell, and I'm couple days away from flying off to Paris....hope to update soon!.


Sunday, February 20, 2011



This is it, my last Vb script I'll be writing for fun. I have officially switched over to IronPython, since now maya is also using it as part of their melscript. (yay!)

In this script I looked into working with vectors (believe it or not) to control the direction of the expansion. its a pretty simple script, basically it takes a circle, divides it into points and then creates a line ready to expand outwards via copy.

:Color is starting to become a big thing in these scripts for me, so hopefully I'll start to make some really interesting connections and figure out a combination that really speaks to me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Ok. I'll lets be realistic, I'm not in studio and all the scripts thought of have been written. What I'm really doing is beating a dead horse, making something pretty and trying to gain some insight on computation while doing it.

So here I present you Circles! its all the about the color. ;D

Things studied/developed,


'script portion
ColorChoice = CInt(Rnd*4)

do while ColorChoice = prevCC
ColorChoice = CInt(Rnd*4)

Select Case ColorChoice
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
case 3
case 4
End Select

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'll be honest, this is probably the easiest script to write.
I'm no code expert but this is a kick start to hopefully a exciting future.
keep in touch and you'll hopefully see some fun/interesting things on here.

Things studied/developed,

:looping and storing arrays
:color gradient


A sample of code will be added soon.